Rabu, 05 November 2014

english-1 mid test


The Ministry of Education and Culture
Directorate General of Higher Education
State Polytechnic of Bali
Study Program of International Business Management
Middle Test
Subject: General English-1
Semester: I (A,B,C)
Time: 90 minutes
Lecturer: Majid Wajdi
1. You are now a new student of State Polytechnic of Bali. Your teacher would like to know little bit about you. Please, tell your identity in about ten sentences or fifty words.
2. You are in the first semester now. It means you have more than twenty-five new classmates. Choose one of your classmates and describe him/her in about fifteen sentences.
3. You are lucky enough to study in a new building of State Polytechnic of Bali. You have a new classroom too. Describe your classroom in at least fifteen sentences.


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